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Purposes of spiritual direction

Are you seeking a friend to help you notice how God might be showing up in your life? A spiritual director is a spiritual companion who comes alongside others to help them gain a greater awareness of God's presence and activity in their lives.

Spiritual direction can be instrumental in helping us deepen our faith, in exploring or reexploring our ideas about and relationship with God, in dealing with life changes and losses, and in discerning God's will with respect to vocation, relationships, and the exercising of our spiritual gifts.


What happens in a session of spiritual direction?         

We would meet monthly for an hour together online, by telephone, or in-person (available in the Central Texas [USA] area). During this time, the atmosphere is one of prayerful listening in which you and I would pay attention to how God might be speaking and acting in your life. As part of this process, we may engage in prayer, contemplative silence, scripture reading, and conversation.



Christian spiritual directors have been around as early as the 3rd century with the Desert Fathers and Mothers. I first became acquainted with spiritual direction in seminary. Sensing a call to become a spiritual director, I completed the two-year certificate program in the Selah Program in Spiritual Direction. In addition to a certificate in spiritual direction, I have an MA in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and graduate degrees in nursing and epidemiology. I am also a licensed Registered nurse in Texas. I have experience in public health and healthcare, higher education, caregiving, and lay leadership, including serving as a deacon in the Presbyterian Church (USA). As a member of Grafted Life Ministries ESDA, an international organization of Christian spiritual directors, I adhere to their ethical guidelines.



I would enjoy exploring with you whether spiritual direction might be a practice that God might be calling you to during this season of your life. There is no charge for the first session as this is a time for us to discern together whether our relationship in spiritual direction would be the right fit for you.



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